Wednesday 28 March 2012

none piece episode 4

well a week ago the new none piece episode 4 has come out. when i first watched it i was like 'what the hell just happened!!'  but when i watched it fully i was like LOL! heres episode 4:
Its done by purpleeyeswtf

random videos

these video is so random lol!!

Friday 23 March 2012

high school dxd

hi everyone

today i was told by a boy in my class about this anime not sure its new but he say it really good but the problem is that it is a bit ecchi and has a bit of nudity :O . so i am going to show you the opening and ending (it will also be my frist time watching it)
please let me know how this show is and let me know what you think of my blogging thanks! XD

Monday 12 March 2012


hi people

today im going to talk about this game cartoon TOME. its about these people fighting these other people called hackers.just a few days ago i didnt know a single thing about it.but my brother likes the ending song

there is only 3 episodes right now but i know there will be more coming out soon.anyway the main charater is called alpha and its played by blake swift who is famous for jaden yuki in yugioh GX abridge, he also sings the battle on song for tome. heres the episodes:
episode 1