Monday 25 June 2012

Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos

hi everyone

just a week ago i saw this anime called nyarko-san: another crawling chaos. its a comedy about these 3 alien girls (it might be 2 girls one boy and yep they don't look like aliens at all!) protecting this boy. i would give it a 7 out of 10 because there is alot of comedy but i got bored after the second episode :( but i like the op!! XD

here is the op:

here is the ed:

i always thought that the yellow hair one is a girl but i'm really not sure.hope you check it out thanks bye!! XD

infinite ment 3

welcome everyone

just 2 weeks ago (yeah i know i should of posted this before) i was watching infinite ment episode 3!! its the funnest episode on this abridge. my favorite part is the sleeping burping also i like the op of the abridge (dance dance by fall out boy).
 here is the abridge:
 i got over 90 views on my blog!!!! XD THANK YOU EVERYONE !! BYE

Saturday 16 June 2012

Mira Nikki an abridge series episode 5

hey people

only a thew days ago i was watching Mira Nikki an abridge series episode 5. the only thing i got to say is it doesn't have the boy who likes the other boy's bicep!! :(
thanks for watching BYE!! :D