Thursday 11 October 2012

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun manga and anime

。◕‿◕。 hi everyone! welcome 。-‿-。
so i was looking at some romance comedy anime to blog about to you guys when i found this anime called tonari no kaibutsu-kun. but the shocking thing was THAT I JUST STARTED READING THE MANGA 2 DAYS AGO!! XD
but here is the plot:
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun focuses on the relationship between Shizuku Mizutani, who has absolutely no interests except for school and her plans for the future, and a boy named Yoshida, who sits next to Shizuku, but rarely attends school. One day, when Shizuku is tasked with delivering the class printouts to Yoshida's home, he assumes that the two of them are friends.

well i think this anime is really funny at times (even though there are only 2 episode  out) and i would recommend it to people who like a lot of friendship comedy and romance

here is the opening:
and here is the ending:

if you want to find out more just ask me! :D

thanks bye! 。-‿-。

watashi ni xx shinasai chapter 41 and 42

hi everyone(◕‿◕✿)
i miss blogging to all of you! D:

but just 3 days ago watashi ni xx shinasai chapter 41 and 42 came out!! :D 
here is what its about:

Yukina Himuro, under the disguise of "Yupina" when writing her cell phone novels, is a girl in high school that everybody is scared of when they come across her due to her sharp eyes and cold skin, resulting in other students calling her the "Snow Woman." The school council president, Shigure Kitami, is the ideal student and a good role model (or so everybody thinks). He was well-liked by everybody around him, including the teachers, but was deemed boring by Yukina. He keeps a journal that lists all the girls in his new class, the places they confessed at, and how they were dumped. Shigure uses girls for his own entertainment, but when Yukina finds out about his "secret," she forces him to love-act for her novels, in which people want more romance in. Yukina uses people around her as characters in her novel, i.e. herself as the princess, Shigure as the count or earl and Akira as Knight Cain. Akira is Yukina's cousin who has always been with her from when they were small. His parents died on his 4th birthday. Yukina told him that they'll always be together that day. Akira also loves Yukina, "not as a cousin, but as a lover" as he stated, and even gave her his confession. Yukina only took him as a cousin at first but then her heart also start to beat for him. What will happen next in this shocking love triangle?

but im its really great and i only started reading it 8 months ago! 
here is an image:

i recommend it to people that like love triangle. if you want to know anything else you can ask me! :)

bye! (∩_∩) 

Monday 1 October 2012

binbougami ga

hey everyone!! ✿◕‿◕✿
so just a month and a half ago i was feeling very bored of reading the same type of mangas late at night so i decided to watch a comedy anime! :) so then i found this anime called binbougami ga!

its a story about a 16  girl named ichiko sakura who is rich and popular (because of taking fortune from the people around her) meeting this misfortune god momiji who is sent to the human world to steal all of the fortune that ichiko has taken (dont worry ichiko will have a bit of fortune) and give it back to the people who got their misfortune taken away.

this is my favourite clip in episode 7:
and here is the opening and ending:
i only got to episode 13 that is last episode :(  but if you want to know more just ask me :D