Friday 16 November 2012

the world god only knows tenri arc episode 1


so just 5 minutes ago there is a new episode of world god only knows! :) even though i didn't watch that much of the anime in the second season, i really want to tell you guys about ever episode. but i will explain it all tomorrow!

but here is the episode:
(sorry if it doesn't work)
see you tomorrow everyone!
BYE!!! :D

Tuesday 13 November 2012

"Fun In Yugi's Mind" by indecisivepancake

hey! :D

i just want to post this for fun but yesterday i was showing this to my friend  who really like yugioh abridged and i finally got the fanservice  joke! LOL! XD and my friend throw my headphones when she heard bakura say "MUST LICK ROD!" XD

here is the clip:

thanks for looking at this! might blog later on this week about my mangas or animes!
bye bye!❁◕‿◕❁   

Monday 12 November 2012

none piece episode 5

Hi people :D
I should have posted this before the mirai nikki abridged but none piece episode 5 was out a month ago! But it’s mainly things that are not in the episode (like the partying and plane riding) but it’s kind of random but funny! XD
p.s they have change the name of the video to mix it in with code ment abridged 14.5
Here is the episode:

thanks for watching!
BYE! :)

Sunday 11 November 2012

mirai nikki abridged episode 8

Hey everyone ヾ(**)ゞ 
(sorry I haven’t been updating this, it’s because I been focusing on my studies for GCSE)
But just 2 weeks ago the new episode of mirai nikki abridged was out and still as funny as ever.but the person who made the abridged has put a bit of her animation into this as well! J. And guess what the biceps guy is back!! XD
Also we are introduced to the other detective kid in this episode and he is HILARIOUS!! XD but I give this two thumps up! :D
But here is the episode:

 here is how she did her short animation: 
thanks for watching and listening! see you later! ✿◕‿◕✿