Thursday 17 October 2013

Love lab

hi everyone

and today im going to talk about love lab. when i first heard about it i thought it would be about a girl who joins a club because she needs help getting the boy she likes to notice her... BBUUUTTT i was wrong! -_-

its actually about (time to copy and paste from wikipeadia because i cant be asked to type it all down) Love Lab is set in Fujisaki Girls Academy, which is known for their school body being composed of very proper students. The most prominent one of them is Natsuo Maki, the student president who is admired by her classmates for her calm and polite demeanor. On the other hand, Riko Kurahashi is also admired but for having a very forward and boyish personality. Riko accidentally walks into Maki when she is kissing a body pillow with a picture of a guy for practice, and learns that she is not as collected as everyone thinks she is. Riko is forced into keeping Maki's secret and joins her in practicing romance activities such as holding hands and more.

i had a feeling that there wasnt going to be any actual romance in it until i looked at the manga cover


but i found the first episode quite funny especially natsuo maki parts XD

but i have only watched the first episode... so .... ummm .... i might watch some more but im tired so that's it for today! :D

see you next time



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